Lifestyle: Exploring America in the Southwest
One of my favorite vacations I’ve ever taken was to the American Southwest, which included visits to the Painted Desert, Grand Canyon, South Coyote Buttes, ZION national park, and more. I wanted to share a handful of photos from the journey. Click below to view:

Lifestyle: A Few Shots from Downtown Manhattan on a Sunday Morning
Check out some lifestyle shots on from a recent muggy Sunday morning. Click below to check out the quick gallery:

Lifestyle: Clams Casino “Essentials” Feature on Hypetrak.com
Acclaimed producer Clams Casino just released his debut album, 32 Levels, on Columbia Records. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to shoot his “Essentials” for Hypebeast/Hypetrak with Michael Grammer. Click below to check out the feature!

Visit JDOTSHOTS360.com Today!
I have just launched a simple site showcasing some of my 360 degree images and video. Head over to JDOTSHOTS360 today: jdotshots360.com/

Lifestyle: Take a Walk Around Downtown Charleston, SC
Recently, I had a day to walk around one of my favorite small cities that I’ve ever visited: Charleston, SC. Good food, wonderful people and picturesque scenery make up the small city – and it keeps me wanting more every time I leave! Check out a few shots from my stroll around town:

Lifestyle: Walking Around Williamsburg & Greenpoint on a Beautiful Sunday Afternoon
A few shots from when I wandered the Brooklyn waterfront on the first true Spring weekend of 2016. Enjoy:

Lifestyle: Traveling Abroad to Fiji and Australia November 2015
Recently, I took the trip of a lifetime as I explored exotic Fiji as well as Sydney, Australia & Hamilton Island, Australia. There, I was able to explore the outdoor and urban environments and take some beautiful shots. Take a look below for yourselves: