Lifestyle: Clams Casino “Essentials” Feature on Hypetrak.com
Acclaimed producer Clams Casino just released his debut album, 32 Levels, on Columbia Records. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to shoot his “Essentials” for Hypebeast/Hypetrak with Michael Grammer. Click below to check out the feature!

JDOT single SHOT: Ron Howard Takes Control of the Camera to Document Made in America
I knew that Ron Howard would be filming Made in America to package it in a feature film, but it was great to actually see him behind the camera and interacting with the crowd. Click below for some SHOTS of Mr. Howard:

Lifestyle: Meeting Steve Powers aka ESPO
In my younger days (in 2004) when I used to be a little sneaker crazy (I still have my moments), I stayed up for hours waiting for the Nike charity series of shoes. There, I met artist Steve Powers aka ESPO. Click for more: