Film: In and Around NYC with Lomography Simple Use Disposable Camera
Check out some shots from around the city using my lomography simple use disposable camera.
Lifestyle: Travels Around Greece – Athens, Milos and Santorini
Sharing some personal shots from my recent trip to Greece, which included stops in Athens as well as the islands of Milos and Santorini. Absolutely breathtaking.
Film: In and Around NYC with Lomography Simple Use Disposable Camera (Black & White)
In a “part 2” sort of post, here’s another look at the Lomography Simple Use disposable camera. This time around, we have the black and white film to share. Give the shots a look here:
Lifestyle: Artist Lucy Sparrow’s “8 Till Late” Felt Bodega in the West Village
Before it closed, I had an opportunity to check out artist Lucy Sparrow’s full functional felt bodega in her new exhibit 8 Till Late. Within the exhibition, every single thing was made of felt and all for purchase. Check out a few shots.
Lifestyle: Vibrant Island Living in the Turks & Caicos
Recently took a trip down to the beautiful islands of Turks & Caicos and had a spectacular time. Sharing a quick glimpse in to the vibrant blue water and natural beauty the island(s) have to offer. Click below:
Film: Rolling Around NYC with Lomography Simple Use Disposable Camera
I was recently gifted a handful of Lomography brand “Simple Use” disposable cameras and here were my results. Love the vintage style of physical film. Well worth the investment by anyone looking to purchase! Check out some shots below:
Lifestyle: Spring Game Weekend In Clemson, SC & Secret Shoot
I had the opportunity to head down to Clemson University for the 2017 Spring Football game and it was an incredible weekend. Head down below to check out some of my photos from the weekend: