After a meeting earlier this evening, I decided to take a walk around SoHo and the East Village to catch two things: the RETNA mural and a Jeremy Lin painting I had heard about. Click below for my SHOTS:
What: An early evening walk around SoHo and the East Village
Where: NYC (SoHo, East Village)
Venue: N/A
When: March 14
Who: RETNA (Marquis Lewis), Jeremy LinĀ
Notes: So after my Daily JDOTshot post the other day, I decided to head over to the RETNA mural on Houston Street a littler earlier than planned. Definitely an interesting piece, as you’ll see below. I also noticed one little critter that was left over from the previous Kenny Scharf job.
Also, I had been meaning to stop by over in the East Village to check this Jeremy Lin mural that went up on the corner of 2nd street and Avenue A. That Linsanity even inspires artists, it seems. Ha.
Click on each thumbnail to enlarge and feel free to comment or ask any questions below the gallery: